University of Colorado



Dellavalle / Dunnick

Dermato-Epidemiology Lab


Principal Investigators

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Robert Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH

Chair of the Department of Dermatology - University of Minnesota

Dr. Dellavalle is a board-certified dermatologist, professor of dermatology, and public health leader who has published over 400 peer-reviewed, PubMed-cited research articles. He is a strong advocate in the fight against skin cancer and regularly mentors medical students. In addition to dermato-epidemiology, Dr. Dellavalle specializes in teledermatology, the global burden of skin disease, and dermatology big data research. 

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Cory Dunnick, MD

Professor - Department of Dermatology - University of Colorado

Dr. Dunnick is a board-certified dermatologist and professor of dermatology. She is an expert in Contact Dermatitis Society and is heavily involved in the mentorship of medical students. In addition to allergic contact dermatitis, Dr. Dunnick specializes in general dermatology, women's health, arthropod bites, and cosmetic dermatology. Dr.Dellavalle and Dr.Dunnick are both members of the American Dermatological Association.


Derm-Epi Overview

Our work covers a broad range of topics around one central pinnacle: Dermato-epidemiology. Through the collection and analysis of data, we investigate how we can improve the lives of those in our community. Skin conditions alone contribute 2% to the global burden of disease and provide significant disability and morbidity across the globe. However, the impact of dermatologic conditions on populations is significantly underestimated. To improve community health, we aim to identify literature gaps and characterize dermatologic conditions' burden. 



Upcoming Event:

  • Lab Meeting: Tuesday, 12:15

  • Colorado Skin Cancer Task Force


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 Colorado Skin Cancer Task Force

The skin cancer task force is dedicated to working tirelessly to raise awareness about skin cancer and its risks. Our primary goal is to educate people in Colorado about the importance of practicing proper skin safety measures, empowering them to protect themselves from this disease. We aim to positively impact the community's well-being by promoting early detection and proactive skin health practices. 

Contact CO-chairs to get involved: Ferdos Abdulkader and Mckenzie Hanigan.